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Marine Studless Anchor Chain

Chains consist of chain links which can be either stud-links or studless links. The chain accessories include shackles (anchor shackle, joining shackle, kenter joining shackle, swivel shackle and swivel-forerunner) . Each standard shot is 27.5m. Grade U2 / U3 from 12.5mm to 130mm.

Marine Studless Anchor Chain


studless chainstudless anchor chain

Norminal Chain Diameter(mm) Grade2 Grade3 Weight
Proof Test Load(KN) Breaking Test Load(KN) Proof Test Load(KN) Breaking Test Load(KN) (Kg/27.5m)
10 25.8 51.6 - - -
11 31.2 62.4 - - -
12.5 41.2 82.6 56.4 112.8 85
14 51 101.9 70.76 141.51 107
16 66.2 132.3 92.42 184.82 139
17.5 78.89 157.78 110.55 221.1 178
19 93.6 187.2 130.32 260.64 218
20.5 108.64 217.27 151.7 303.42 229
22 125.4 250.9 174.7 349.4 265
24 149.9 298.9 207.9 415.8 344
26 175.4 350.8 244 488 401
28 203.8 406.7 283 566 460
30 234.2 457.5 324.9 649.8 523
32 265.6 531.2 369.6 739.3 589
34 299.9 599.8 417.3 834.6 660
36 336.1 672.3 467.8 935.7 742
38 374.4 748.7 521.3 1042.5 823
40 414.5 829.1 577.6 1155.2 957
42 457.7 915.3 636.8 1273.6 1005
44 502.7 999.6 698.9 1397.8 1110
46 548.8 1097.6 763.9 1527.8 1212
48 597.8 1195.6 831.7 1663.5 1334
50 648.8 1293.6 902.5 1805 1430
52 697.63 1395.26 976.14 1952.28 1486
54 752.33 1504.66 1052.68 2105.36 1648
56 809.09 1618.18 1132.1 2264.2 1716
58 867.91 1735.82 1214.4 2428.8 1845
60 928.8 1857.6 1299.6 2599.2 1973

Chain Production Workshop:



Chain Certificate:

